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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Anonymous Hatred

Maybe it's just me, but what is it with people who decide to post nasty, insulting comments anonymously? I recently came across a blog entry of a young lady who supposedly went out and had a good, if wild, time with someone of questionable morals and celebrity. It was an interesting enough read, if only for the peek into a nightlife some of us (well, some of you, at least) might never see. For many people, it was a view into the "other side" that they would never otherwise experience. Truly. The short version of what was involved - minor celebrity who is (in)famous for his ability to "bed women", his famous ex, the young lady in question, a nightclub full of debauchery and groping, a menage a trois, and a bruised, bitten nipple.

Now, let's review the nature of this story. It's a blog. It could be true. It might be fiction. It was one night out on the town.
It's someone else's life.

Now, wait a second... let's look at that last statement:

It's someone else's life.

This is a pretty important little point to make. In her comments section, I noted at least 10 comments from anonymous little punks who berated her for going out one night and having a good time. Now, while I must agree that there were a few segments of the story which showed some questionable judgment on her part, by what right do these anonymous little douchebags have to go beyond the polite and straight into the insulting by calling her a "whore"? What is wrong with simply questioning her judgment instead of placing such an ultimate judgment upon her? What sort of supreme power do these people have to be insulting while hiding behind an anonymous tag? None. They are cowards all. Had you put your name on the product, then there would at least be the possibility of a return response... but, no. You hide from behind a rock, insult someone, then go run and hide behind your anonymity. Grow a pair.

Yes. There they all were - these posters were insulting her intelligence, her choices, and get this, her ABILITY TO WRITE (which has exactly HOW MUCH to do with her choices that night?) because she decided to share with us this interesting tale of some of the dark, sultry, little nightlife that goes on in her home (large) city. I have to wonder if any of those people actually ever get out... at all. Do they have actual REAL friends?

Of course, I guess these could be people who are envious. Plainly put, the lady who writes this blog, assuming the pictures are genuine, is an attractive woman indeed. Cute face, nice legs, and a great butt... mmm... wait, I digress. Where was I? Oh yes, I suppose that, given the circumstances that she posts an occasional picture of herself on the blog, and these anonymous posters have obviously had a look at the site... one could readily surmise that these posters are simply envious of the fact that this male in the tale she wrote is the one who got to enjoy her. Hmm. Jealous much?

Reminds me of this joke...

Q: What's the difference between a slut and a bitch?
A: A slut will sleep with everyone. A bitch will sleep with everyone... BUT YOU.

I guess that, given these definitions, these losers who insult anonymously should instead call her a bitch, because they aren't going to get to bed her and likely not anyone else
. Gee, I guess that means it's okay to lay down an insult, doesn't it?

BTW - I made a comment on her entry regarding these punk-ass anonymous posters. Naturally, some anonymous poster made a comment to insult me for dogging them. Claimed I was trying to remain anonymous because I used a South Park style icon instead of my real picture?? How lame is that? Called me "Defender of the Truth". Cute. Weak, but amusing.

Now, I love the internet. I love the exchange of information and ideas that it cultivates. It's a wonderful thing taken in this light. And blogs are a nice way for people to release their creative energies or share their joys, triumphs, tragedies, and ideas. Unfortunately, it also means there is no actual punishment, no retribution, no consequences for being a total and complete asshole due to the amount anonymity the internet provides you with. This has led, of course, to unfortunate situations such as this. People with no class or character can freely insult you on the fly, at a whim, at every turn.

Sure, I can see the reason for an anonymous post tactfully put that profers an opinion in a polite manner... calling someone a whore does not fit this, now does it? In polite society, an anonymous comment allows someone to interject an alternate viewpoint without fear of reprisals... ahh, and there is the key - REPRISALS.

Here on the net, the best we can seemingly do to the anonymous punk-bitches is insult them for their cowardice and true lack of anything resembling bravery, character, or a real set of balls. Or ovum, I suppose, for the ladies who decide to play this way. Of course, it seems that, by and large, the majority of anonymous insults are handed out by the male of the species... perhaps it is that territoriality thing... the weak and lesser males (read: LOSERS) of the species find they can unleash here without getting stomped for it, as they surely would if they were in the actual company of the people they are insulting.

Were we having a discussion in person and you insulted me, I could bitchslap you.

But, given that you aren't here... well, this e-bitchslap is the best I can do.
this just in...
I've made the big time on GOOGLE!

Results 1 - 10 of about 652,000 for redneck booty. (0.21 seconds)

Redneck Hoo-ha
Page 1 of 11324 results containing redneck magic booty hole (0.10 seconds). Results
... queen - love da magic redneck booty hole. Of all of them out there, ...
redneckhooha.blogspot.com/2005/10/i-just-had-to-let-you-know-that-i-am.html - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

Redneck Hoo-ha
Redneck Hoo-ha This blog all ... permission" to "play the a$$hole" to make sure
he got home sober ... See Micky ache for some booty. See Bob squirm. ...
redneckhooha.blogspot.com/ - 104k - Cached - Similar pages

7 Smack Me:

At 2/12/05 15:06, Blogger Jada flipped me...

Wow! Who is this chick? She sounds HOT!

Seriously though, it is no surprise to me that the truly hateful comments one encounters in the blogging world are left anonymously. What is surprising to me though, is the extent that some people will crucify anothers life after reading a snippet about a single event.

It would never occur to me to lash out and attack another person [especially anonymously] because of a blog entry. I might offer a suggestion, make a comment but most likely I would just move on. But to attack things completely unrelated to the event described such as the persons looks, intelligence, whatever, is just petty.

Fortunately, there are some wonderful people in the blogging world. And in my opinion, you are right at the top of the list.

At 3/12/05 01:14, Blogger MamaKBear flipped me...

Yep, Jade about covered it! It's a shame there are people out there that have nothing better to do than try to tear someone down, and then not even use their names.

They are the proverbial thorn in blogland's side.

Congrats on the big time! :)

At 4/12/05 19:09, Blogger Summer flipped me...

I'm glad you took up for her. There are indeed morons out there who get to hide behind their anonymity. Those people suck!

Like Jade said, if I read something I don't like or feel like the person is inadequate or whatever, I just move on. There's no reason to tear someone down like that.

At 5/12/05 12:10, Blogger Robin Alexa flipped me...


It's SO true...except if I were going to bet on the percentages of anonymous losers cutting her up I would say 90%:Women 10%:Men. You know why? Because men like to hear stories of hot chicks in threesomes...women don't like to see men all worked up over a hot chick that just had a threesome.

Just my opinion...and I hates cutting up my ladies because I have mad love for my own gender. :)

At 5/12/05 12:10, Blogger Robin Alexa flipped me...


It's SO true...except if I were going to bet on the percentages of anonymous losers cutting her up I would say 90%:Women 10%:Men. You know why? Because men like to hear stories of hot chicks in threesomes...women don't like to see men all worked up over a hot chick that just had a threesome.

Just my opinion...and I hates cutting up my ladies because I have mad love for my own gender. :)

At 5/12/05 16:07, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

the jade - some people just plain suck

muse - thanks!

mamakbear - thorn? Yes. Side? Hmm, I'd say a bit lower...

summer - exactly. As one person anonymously retorted, I am the Defender of the Truth... heh heh

binsk - glad you liked it... still, I'd say most are envious men without dates. I'd love to take a poll... hmm... for my NEXT blog...

At 6/12/05 00:06, Blogger Jada flipped me...

I love Binsk.


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