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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

HNT 14 - Hey, No phoTo

You know what it's like trying to figure out some new acronym that starts with HNT? Well, I'm too tired and out of time... and out of new photos....

So here I am, at the company Christmas Party, which had been PC-renamed as a Holiday Party, even though everyone there celebrated Christmas... go figure. This was the first company party I had actually ever attended, though I'd worked with them for years. Why? Well, contrary to popular opinion, this one wasn't the first with the open bar, so that HONESTLY had nothing (or very little) to do with it. No, really. I swear. I actually attended this year because it was the first time I really had nothing better to do. Isn't that sad?

Of course, the coworkers who read this are gonna give me hell about saying that later... oh well. I'm getting kinda used to that by now.

You know what, that picture looks a lot cooler at original resolution... really. Oh well... never said I was a photoshop pro.

For all your HNT needs (and answers), go see OSBASSO.

Happy HNTing

8 Smack Me:

At 8/12/05 20:45, Blogger Robin flipped me...

Love it! HHNT!

At 8/12/05 21:13, Blogger Bsoholic flipped me...

Rockin! Happy HNT :)

At 9/12/05 02:44, Blogger Wenchy flipped me...

I love musical type shots. Happy HNT!

At 9/12/05 04:09, Blogger Just Brian flipped me...

Happy HNT Wopanese. Your pics are always good to look at. Lots of lght and colour

At 9/12/05 06:17, Anonymous Anonymous flipped me...

NBTD...tisk, tisk, tisk...

At 9/12/05 08:57, Blogger Jada flipped me...

But did you have fun at the party? I would wager that you did, you seem like the guy that brings the party with him.


At 9/12/05 15:19, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

leesa thanks... looks cooler when clicked, I think

robin - thanks - ditto

bsholic - yeah, I take my guitar everywhere... I'm such the crowd ho

muse - well, I thought of one about 2 hours after I posted it. Oh well... more coffee next time!

wenchy - glad you dig it!

furzl - I like color/colour... I do my best NOT to match when I go out... clashing is more my style

p - thanks, P... NBTD... what does that mean? No Beer To Drink? Nobody Beats the Drum? No Big To Do. Not Before the Dinner? Nothing Better To Do? No Better Than Dorky? Hmmm... (Mind you, the post was put up after hours)

jade - yep. They get mad at me when I don't show up. Can't tell if it's cause I make things fun or if I do things that make them laugh at me... still not sure which it is...

At 15/12/05 14:34, Blogger HS flipped me...

hahaha..I always pull out the old guitar at parties too!


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