Farewell Party
Well, here it is, Happy Nekkid Thursday once more. And yes, I remember something silly like a supposed promise to have a new picture up for this week. Well, okay, here it is...
What do you mean it's from the SAME pic?
C'mon! Can't you see it's ALL different?
Okay, well ya caught me. That's the old one. Indeed.
Before I reveal the "new" pic, which does, indeed exist, let me tell you a little story, take you on a little walk through my world for just a few minutes, if you will...
It all started this April past... it was a warm Spring day and a lady friend of mine, M***, well... not one, but TWO of her children (her two oldest boys) decided to join the Marines. The two boys, the eldest, S**** age 19, and the next oldest, K*** age 17 and just graduated this June, would be shipping out in September.
So M**** planned to throw them a going away party and I told her I would help out - I like her kids and they're, generally, pretty level-headed, as far as teenage boys can be, that is.
Three weeks ago, the planned party of 70-plus people had to get shortlisted because the hostess, who VOLUNTEERED her home decided, at this late time, after four months of waiting, that she didn't want to do it.
Her excuse?
Her husband was going to take 3 MONTHS off from work in order to redo her kitchen and was going to start on the very day of the party.
Excuse me? What kind of weak ass excuse is that?
Let me tell you, I wanted to crawl through the phone M**** was talking on and slap this woman, M's own flesh-and-blood aunt no less, straight up one side of her face and down the other. Not only was that a completely lame-ass excuse, it also COMPLETELY screwed up ALL the plans. Now, with only 2.5 weeks left to scramble for a new location to have this party, we had no time to reserve any possible good candidates such as:
- The sheraton's hospitality suite
- Any number of rec centers
- Any number of neighborhood clubhouses
- Any suite-style hotel rooms
For the most part we met with, well, little to no success.
So the invitation list shrank to 20. And then we found a house to host! A young lady friend of mine had a house more than adequate for our purposes and she planned to also invite friends of hers - what more could you want for a party of 2 young men going away to the Marines then to have some extra cute 20-somethings partying with you? That's right. I thought it a good match too...
Only one problem. The girl, a party-girl extreme, was a bit drunk when she made the promise (2 weeks pre-original party date) and didn't remember it at all when M**** called her the next week to make arrangements and get directions for everyone. AND, there was the possibility of some of her family coming down that weekend... so we had to hold off until she knew more... We had another possible house lined up just in case, too... that of my new bandleader, Kirk. He likes a good party. Who doesn't?
Well, my luck naturally being what it is, M**** called her on Wednesday and the girl didn't answer the phone... or return the call. Called again on Thursday and she said she would know soon. Now, the party was supposed to take place 2 days from then but we still had no place.
Thursday night? Kirk had to cancel out due to other concerns, which were completely understandable... down to a wing and a prayer
Friday evening? The girl had to cancel on us for family visitation. Great, so much for the wing, eh?
M****, ever resourceful, got on the phone with a friend of hers from out of town and landed us a place to have the party the following weekend. The invitation list was shrunk once again and now the party, for maybe 10-12 people (instead of 20 or 70+) was rescheduled for the 10th and all was well...
On Thursday, the 8th, some phone convo's were had to verify directions to this place.
People were called.
Directions were given.
Meat was purchased.
Beer aplenty was obtained.
Friday afternoon... phone call received. The new hostess of the party? Her aunt passed away and she just received the information. Her home, which was the party destination, became headquarters for the mourning family. What could we do?
Yes. I know. It sounds too ridiculous to believe, doesn't it? Well, these details are ALL true.
So, at last M**** gave in and decided to have the party in her small apartment with just me, her children, and 3 of the Marines-to-be's friends...
And I cooked on the grill and supplied the beer and meat...
And then some other unimportant details and scuffling ensued And this is what I got for it... a nasty lil scratch. Oh, I guess I shoulda told you about the scuffling. Maybe next picture. But, as promised, it's a new picture!
10 Smack Me:
Looks very painful. That was a lot a story that had very little to do with the scratching!
Happy HNT.
And yes, I must agree with binsk...on to the scuffle story!
Happy HNT :D
Whoa! That's an owweee scratch. cheers and happy hnt!
That's gonna leave a mark! :-)
Ouch! Scuffling? would you like to elaborate?
You had me going with the first pic..I was ready to hop into my car and come kick your..uh...:)
Ow Ow OW!
Dude, ow.
Ok, so now you have TWO stories to finish! lol
binsk - yep, I know.
belly - yep, okay.
lacrum - thanks! Was more fun to get than ants in the pants
Happykap - And now it's itchy. Dammit.
Jenny - it's tough with it where it is - every twist and turn...
hs - thanks.
robin - I think I must have freaked everyone out by now
addict - you know, it really didn't hurt THAT much... sorta burned after the adrenaline rush went away but that's really about it. Now that's all scabby though...
bill - yes. actually 3 now, truth be known. The first redneck tale, and this one, plus the 27 cat tale
I'm with Heather. I was seriously about to tear you a new one...until I saw the REAL new picture and realized that uhhh, someone else apparently beat me to it! I want to know what happened and who's ass I need to come kick!
Wop - do you have long hair??? I think you do!!
bee - Very. I know. Most women hate it... yet they all want to check it out and see how it feels. Guess they want to compare haircare notes or something.
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