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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Okay, so that wasn't a REAL picture

If only road signs were so helpful...
and cell phones not such a problem...
and if people were actually CAPABLE of driving,
while talking... which is almost always
NOT the case

Okay, so NO, we weren't wearing bright silver jumpsuits with a big flashing "ABBA" sign above our heads... no, we didn't have groupies jumping on a giant stage with us...

Now, that having been said, here are a few more things I heard recently:
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
You have a dirty mind. I like the way you think.
her - Okay, I'll tell her you don't want to play with her.
him - No no no. I would LOVE to play with her... just not now
her - Well that's TWICE now.
him - I'm sorry, hon, but the muse is upon me... and she's pissed off.
him - So what you're telling me is that you would would have one orgasm a day, and ONLY one? EVER? her - Pretty much.
him - You mean even if you started off EARLY in the day? Didn't matter how long it went or what you tried? her - Yep
him - Weird. How the hell would that work?
I'd walk through a mile of her crap just to look at that ass it came from.
dude at bar - Dude, play that song with all the sex in them!
me - Which one?
dude - You know? The one with the sex and the girls..
me - Ummm... not getting any closer. I have a few like that
dude - Then play 'em all!
Wow. You gonna eat THAT?

1 Smack Me:

At 8/9/05 10:04, Blogger HS flipped me...

What?!?! Thats NOT you? I feel so deceived! (Heehee)


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