Okay, so that wasn't a REAL picture
If only road signs were so helpful...
and cell phones not such a problem...
and if people were actually CAPABLE of driving,
while talking... which is almost always
NOT the case
Okay, so NO, we weren't wearing bright silver jumpsuits with a big flashing "ABBA" sign above our heads... no, we didn't have groupies jumping on a giant stage with us...and cell phones not such a problem...
and if people were actually CAPABLE of driving,
while talking... which is almost always
NOT the case
Now, that having been said, here are a few more things I heard recently:
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You have a dirty mind. I like the way you think.
her - Okay, I'll tell her you don't want to play with her.
him - No no no. I would LOVE to play with her... just not now
her - Well that's TWICE now.
him - I'm sorry, hon, but the muse is upon me... and she's pissed off.
him - So what you're telling me is that you would would have one orgasm a day, and ONLY one? EVER? her - Pretty much.
him - You mean even if you started off EARLY in the day? Didn't matter how long it went or what you tried? her - Yep
him - Weird. How the hell would that work?
I'd walk through a mile of her crap just to look at that ass it came from.
dude at bar - Dude, play that song with all the sex in them!
me - Which one?
dude - You know? The one with the sex and the girls..
me - Ummm... not getting any closer. I have a few like that
dude - Then play 'em all!
Wow. You gonna eat THAT?
1 Smack Me:
What?!?! Thats NOT you? I feel so deceived! (Heehee)
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