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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Just a few Questions

Here are a few questions I find myself asking... myself, sometimes. Yes, I know that this is one of "the signs"... but have no fear, the "voices" are not speaking to me yet... well, at least not in a language I understand just yet... but I'm working on it.

  • So is it just me or do some people just suck?
  • Shouldn't they require an IQ and personality test for people to breed?
  • Why does the bank charge me money for... not having money in the bank? Am I supposed to just make it appear like Lucky Charms?
  • Why isn't deodorant one of the requirements for employment?
  • Why CAN'T I just smack the crap out of an idiot that "needs it" ?
  • Since when did time out actually work? And who came up with that crap anyway?
  • What's so wrong with me having long hair? I mean, the Vikings of old had braids, Sampson's strength came from his hair...
  • Why is it that, because of said long hair, I have to be given guilt from a hundred people every week about not cutting it all off and giving it to "Locks of Love" ? You know, if I were a kid with cancer? I'd much rather someone worry about CURING ME than giving me hair. Can we have some priorities here? Please?
  • I was told I'm still "pissed at God" for things in the past... is this true?
  • Is there a "God" in any form of the traditional sense?
  • Why is that if I don't need something, it keeps popping up and getting in the way... but if I then need that thing, it hides for at least an extra week? Is it ticked off at me for ignoring it all the other times?
  • Are my songs really any good?
  • Why in the hell did that a$$hole cut in front of... and THEN slow down?
  • Is there a minute universe held within the confines of a subatomic particle?
  • Did I actually lock the car doors? (This forces me to go back and check, just to make sure. Victim of a few too many auto related thefts)
  • Why does "sense of humor" mean "looks like Brad Pitt" to women?
  • Does my ass look fat in these pants? (okay, maybe I don't ask this one...)
  • Am I the only NON-telepath here? Is everyone else reading my mind? That would certainly explain some of the looks I get sometimes.
  • Where the hell are my keys?
  • Does anyone actually read this blog?
  • I wonder if I could start a career in writing...?
  • What up wit ebonics, yo? Wasrong wit English?
  • Man... she's checking me out... or do I have a booger hangin out my nose?
  • Are those real? Nah..
  • Can I just help "thin the herd" and pick off just a few idiots? Please? The gene pool is getting a bit cloudy and shallow here...

6 Smack Me:

At 30/8/05 13:03, Blogger Just Me flipped me...

ha ha ha...LMAO...so yea...i guess somebody is reading

At 30/8/05 15:22, Anonymous Anonymous flipped me...

As a wise man once said....
"Sometimes you're the fly and sometimes you're the windshield".

At 30/8/05 23:01, Blogger Theresa flipped me...

coming back. :-)

At 31/8/05 09:42, Blogger HS flipped me...

heehee...those are some good questions, I ask a lot of those questions too!

Your car keys are always in the last place you looked. ;)

At 31/8/05 17:24, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

wendi - Glad you enjoyed. Have some more, please.

anon - hmm, and I thought I wrote that... - wait, I know you don't I?

steph - yep. Hey, at least you don't have a bleeding rectum, right?

theresa - sweet

hs - yes they are... unless someone else finds em first, which REALLY sucks on the embarrassment factor

princess - I'm fine. Just have to get this scope sighted in for my "herd-thinning" plan... just waiting for the OK.

And, they drive Miata's cause chicks think they're "cute"... never mind the emasculation factor involved in being behind the wheel of one...
And I drive a Del Sol (when it has good tires) because of that whole 33/40 mpg thing it can do...

At 2/9/05 09:41, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

gas hit 3.25/gallon at a station right near my house. That Del Sol is lookin sexier all the time to me - that 33/40 gas mileage is REAL sexy now. And hey, half a convertible is better than no convertible at all.


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