Posting Problems...
So there I was, simply wandering about the blogiverse and posting comments around - well, really, I guess in a sense I was also fishing for them - something I read on someone's blog... and I really, REALLY should give them credit for that. Dammit. Well, I'll go search for that info in a bit, if I have the chance and link you to it.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, I had come across a post that I thought might lead me to a fine idea for a post of my own. Well, that was last night. Today I thought about the rant I was going to write and, really, well... I just wasn't in the mood.
See, I was going to write about how we Americans just LOVE to buy all these stickers and bracelets that are SUPPOSED to help this charity or that while at the same time show support for some cause or other. I was also going to say that I, for one, love America. I love what this country stands for, the ideals that it is based on - especially all the ones we seem to have forgotten. Of course, I would also have mentioned that I mourn for the death of all common sense in this great nation. That would be a subject for several posts all on its own.
Then, I would have said something along the lines about how sick I am of seeing those little ribbons everywhere. Me? I think the soldiers are better served by actively supporting them in some way, sending money to some charity that truly supports them, and then putting my own yellow ribbon on my antennae. Why? Cause most Americans who actually make and sell those ribbons are, well, in it for the freaking money. Sad, but true. Sure, the charities might be on the up and up, but don't think for an instant that those ribbons get sold to them for free. Hell, there are even people, excuse me, scumbags, out there that are making lookalike ribbons and stickers and wristbands who are selling them solely for profit - and NONE of the money goes to the charities.
Click the picture and see how many hundred of sites are set up and ready to profit from the desire of most Americans to feel charitable or patriotic. Let's be real, people. A magnet on a car is nothing more than a quickie bandaid for, really, your own guilt. Do something real - it is more satisfying, truly. The magnet is a bit of pride, really - "let me show you that I am patriotic or support cause X". Do we really need to make well with anyone but our own conscience? I could be wrong here...
Me? I help who I can - and sure, I like a thank you... but just from the ones I help. I don't demand it - but it does feel nice to know it was appreciated. Most of the joy received comes from seeing the faces and feeling that appreciation directly.
But I could be wrong. It has happened once or twice before. Seriously. (Yeah, okay, smack me on the head for the ego.)
Of course, that would have been followed up by some comment about how we should ALWAYS check out the charities we want to send money to. I mean, hasn't anyone seen the 20/20 or 60 Minutes segment about all these FAKE charities that are named LIKE some REAL charity, but are all owned by some sleazebag who is simply collecting money... for himself?
For example - see these names:
- American Cancer Association
- American Cancer Support
- American Cancer Society
- American Cancer Consortium
- American Cancer Institute
You know, I would PROBABLY have then gone right back to that common sense being dead in America theme. See? Shouldn't it simply be illegal for some rat-bastard soulless punk of an ass to make up a fake charity like that? Shouldn't it?
But NO, we have to let him be "free". Yeah, I'm sorry - I don't think a person should be free to screw over and harm others. Conservatives would say I was impeding his right to capitalism - to which I say, bullshit. That's stealing and misrepresentation... Of course, uber-liberals would say I might be violating his freedom of expression and evertually whip out the favored phrase of "slippery slope". Hell, we are ALREADY on a slippery slope - we are just on the WRONG SIDE of it.
Me? I say stick a hot poker up his ass and be done with it. He's going to hell anyway, so why not help him along? I mean, I am just trying to be the ever-helpful guy here.
Is that too harsh?
But then I thought to myself, "Nahh... who wants to read yet another rant like that?". So I shit-canned the idea and decided to write this instead:
Hi Everyone! Had a gig Saturday night and it was... decent. Best of all. I got paid! Sweet. Happy Hump Day to everyone!
. Oh, and it was the FunkyBug whose blog I first mentioned above, then le Muse-in-Training who semi-inspired the rant that sort of almost wasn't.
6 Smack Me:
Man, I gotta hang out with you and drink a couple beers. You and I see things so similarly. You're not like my long lost twin or something are you?
steph - exactly. You're pretty AND smart. i KNEW there was a reason I keep hitting your blog.
bill - could be... except I'd be the heavy, Samoan-looking one with the really long hair. And yes, beer is good.
Funky bug rules.
And you my little Wopanese do to.
Sigh, I came for my dose of long haired HNT, but alas...none for me. Should you feel a need to remedy this, my email box is wide open. Dang, that sounded dirty.
Wop, I actually took a picture of the back of a car over the summer to one day rant on this subject. This car had a million ribbons and stickers and other "support" crap! So annoying. AND you never know where all of this "charity" money is going. It's so sad all of the people that benefit from taking money that is meant for charity. It's really sickening actually! Anyway, I think people that put those damn ribbons (I'm talking 3+) on their cars are white trash idiots...sorry, hope no one out there has a back end full o ribbons.
Anyway, more about the gig on Sat, any pic's come out of it??
binsk - too kind, too kind
monica - well, I'm up NOW. Does that count? Even put in a hair shot just for you.
Bee - yeah, there is such a thing as overkill. And those ribbons. Damn annoying. 50 cents per ribbon times, I dunno, several million of those things sold? That's some millions of dollars the charities could use, you know? Besides which, those magnets mark up your paint job, people....
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