The Crickets Had A Good Time
Well, I played pretty well and the band I opened for and jammed with on their second set really enjoyed my tunes... only one problem.
A teensie tiny little problem.
A wee, infinitesimal issue with the whole night.
No one showed up to watch us play.
Now, supposedly, this band had someone promoting the gig - they passed out hundreds of flyers and there was theoretically a website pushing the show and the related costume party. Unfortunately, other than a few friends of mine (yes, I do have some - surprise) and friends of the other band, there was no one there. You could have listened to the crickets chirp between sets.
Of course, there were a few other related problems - it was a Friday night and this location is not exactly in the best part of town. I personally would not have played there, and certainly won't again. Let's just say, a concealed weapon is a good idea in this part of town. There is known crackhouse just 1.5 blocks away.
Parking. Yeah, there wasn't any. There was a lot across the street that is fenced in and you basically have to simply know how to get into it in order to park.
Did I mention how ghetto this location is? How about this? Just a few blocks away and a few days prior, there was a massive shooting at the downtown university. A number of people were slain. Yeah, that sounds like a fun place to go.
The fronting of this location leaves much to be desired - I drove by it three times before realizing where it was, and I'm usually pretty good at this sort of thing. Hell, I KNEW the address and missed it. What the hell?
Being Halloween weekend, there are just so many parties and costume contests at well-known venues, it is hard to compete with this struggling, just re-opening location.
Still, the second set jam was really fun and the few people there that actually DID show up, said they had a great time and thought we were awesome. So I guess that's something. Live and learn, I suppose.
Now, NEXT weekend? (Meaning, this coming weekend) I hope to have a very sizable crowd show up for the debut of Government Cheese, my band of 2 (at the moment). We'll see - hopefully there will be some good pics from THAT show.
Who knows? Web site and CD next?
Happy Halloween all!
4 Smack Me:
Wow...sounds like a fun place to go to a show, what's the address? I'm going there next weekend...
Just kidding, I'm sure you all rocked anyway, even if it was only for the crickets. Can't wait for pic's from this weekends gig.
Happy Halloween Wop!
Well that kinda suck, but as long as ya had a good time thats all that matters!!
Happy Halloween!!
I would have come had it been near me and not near the crack house. Government cheese aint half bad.
bee - the crickets passed out before the second set was over.. no, wait, they got mugged by the roaches.
jill - yep. H-squared to you also.
monica - Hell, it was (almost) free!
Muse - Indiana. Sweet. If we get a gig out there, I will most certainly let you know. And it would have been a great place had there been, you know, people there.
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