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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Me Me Monday #33

33. No, I'm definitely NOT gay.. not that there's anything wrong with it

Hmm... well, it was selected at random so I'm just going to have to roll with it.

No, I'm NOT gay. Some people I know are and that's fine by me. But like all other things in this world, I am fine with allowing others to believe and live the way they want to live, so long as they don't throw it in my face. See, I believe that everyone has a right to swing their fists - but that right ends at the tip of my nose. You touch my nose and, well, I get to take you out. And just cause you're gay doesn't give you the right to bash me for being straight. I certainly don't bash gay people for being gay. I don't bash people for being the way they are, be they black, white, gay, liberal, atheist, or republican... (okay, maybe if they are foolishly overly obnoxiously liberal or republican I do...) I bash people for being assholes and idiots.

Hey, some of my best friends are gay!

Have you ever heard someone say that before? Well, I can't say it is true for me now - I have had a number of gay and lesbian friends in the past and time has driven us apart or we have lost touch - it is the nature of living that separates people sometimes. Back when I was at VCU, and the population ratio of gays-straight was higher? Well, I had several g/l friends, particularly motorcycle riders like myself. (Can't exactly call my self a biker... just not Hell's Angels enough... too nice, really)

As a side note: I have been told that my impression of a catty, effeminate gay man is eerily realistic - that I do it "too well" but what exactly does that mean?
Now, let me clarify some things about what I consider appropriate and inappropriate behavior - I don't fondle or grope my dates when in public, and I try to keep any kissing to a respectable level. Yes, I realize this is a bit of a judgment call; however, one can generally tell that when someone says, "Get a room" ? That you are going beyond the polite levels. Of course, different situations call for different levels of this sort of behavior. Like a peck is allowed in church, I suppose, but not much more. A good kiss is okay in a bar or restaurant, to be sure... but, please, let's not be dry-humping on the barstool, mm'kay? That's just not polite to other people, now is it? Of course, Spring Break parties and the like are off the hook and the rules are generally thrown out the windows there... see, it all depends on the situation.

I guess some people call me conservative as far as my behavior in social situations - I guess I'm just a bit old school in the "time and place for everything" vein... I certainly don't FEEL old school... maybe I'm just polite?

Now then, relating this to the gay community of which I am not a part, well, I expect the same consideration from all of you. Really, I expect this from ALL people. Don't go make out in church, don't dry hump one another at the table next to me at Hops, and at Spring Break, well, anything goes. I will be polite and not force you to witness my equivalent.... well, except for such appropriate Spring-Break-ish parties and the like - you know, when EVERYTHING seems to go. I'm not a big fan of watching drunk people of ANY sort getting sloppy all over one another in a sports bar on a quiet Thursday night...

so go sneak off to the bathroom or something. (I would).. ;)

Of course, some might call this gay-bashing. Umm, yeah... no, it isn't. It's just called consideration for others. I am only expecting you to behave in a manner I expect everyone to behave in out of consideration and respect.

Then again, I expect no less from the straight community.... and the black community... and the brown... and all you asian freaks out there to boot (of which I am part of)...

Really, could it be that I expect better behavior out of the community of PEOPLE? Could it be? Hmmm... Yes, I think so.
What does any of this have to do with me being NOT gay? Not much really... but.. the other day I was told I was a homophobe because I used the word "flaming" in another context. For all it mattered, I could have said my house was on fire and descibed it as a flaming building. Damn glad I didn't say that I had a queer feeling in my stomach when I saw the rainbow across the sky... which would have been due to the dyke up-river with a hole in it. Regardless of which, I ate some crackers with soup and that kept me from puking up my guts, probably due to me getting all flaked out about my last gig... are you seeing my point?

Ahh well, it's Monday - I needed to rant, not necessarily be coherent. Come back tomorrow if you want a sensible post.

10 Smack Me:

At 7/11/05 21:07, Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy flipped me...


You are so not gay!


At 7/11/05 21:13, Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy flipped me...

I can't freaking believe I didn't have you blogrolled!!!

Problem alleviated...

At 8/11/05 20:16, Blogger Jillian flipped me...

Hey I'm still here just moved!! You can find my new site in my blog profile!!

At 8/11/05 21:21, Blogger WendyLove flipped me...

i'm mostly not gay, but i have a weakness for isses from beautiful women. generally, i also don't care for public displays of affection. On the other hand, i love the risk of semi-public, risque sex. hmmmm....rubyprincess

At 8/11/05 21:21, Blogger WendyLove flipped me...

i'm mostly not gay, but i have a weakness for isses from beautiful women. generally, i also don't care for public displays of affection. On the other hand, i love the risk of semi-public, risque sex. hmmmm....rubyprincess

At 8/11/05 22:16, Blogger Sasha flipped me...

what caught my attention: "asian freaks - of which i am part of..." ah, another fellow freak then... :)

At 8/11/05 22:37, Blogger Mara flipped me...

I just hate the 'in your face parades'...


Yeah? Well I'm straight and I'm late. Get the hell outta the street!

Thanks for the congrats on my blog babe..


At 9/11/05 11:17, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

UAW - thanks for noticing!

jill - oh. COOL! See you soon then

Ruby - you know what, me too. I agree with EVERYTHING you just said. Twice even

Sasha - Excerrent. (Solly, couldn't hep myself)

Pixie - We could always have a Straight Pride Parade. "We're straight and I'm late" - you slay me. And congrats some more.

At 11/11/05 10:53, Blogger ... flipped me...

are you still on this wopanese - i think you were being bigger man and giving it up - but STILL you have to make little references.... i'm disappointed love.

At 14/11/05 18:23, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

femi - it was all topic related - see latest entry for details - it just happened.


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