Gas is SO Expensive That
I Can't Fill Up My Karma

also, I promise to try and write shorter entries
I know I'm a wordy bastage...
Now, time is very short for me so I won't go into my normal 14 page diatribe about how this person - let's just call her Micky, shall we? ... anyway, about how Micky is a trifling little, lying, conniving, backstabbing, self-promoting little ... B!TCH, okay? Not today. And, NO, I wasn't even trying to find out any dirt about her for the purposes of revenge - that wasn't even necessary.
Okay, okay - here's a short run down on the history of Micky - she dates some schlep and got pregnant and had a child. Of course, let's be honest, we can't be sure WHOSE child it is. No, really. She was sleeping around with 3 guys at one time. Now, that's all good and well and that's really up to a single person... but she was engaged to TWO of them, if I am not mistaken. Naturally, it was the one that was "just a fling" that got her pregnant, again, if I am not mistaken.
Okay, alright - I guess the history is going to get lengthy, lest you think my judgment to be unfair...
Fast forward to present. She is dating this ex-con that we shall now call Bob. Well, Bob got busted some time back and Micky used her position as a secretary in a law office to get the lawyers to help him get out. Well that was nice of her. So now he is on parole... and he has to live at her house. Wouldn't you know it, Bob is a bit of a pushy S.O.B. and really possessive and jealous and catty. He's really a bit of a b1tch, to be quite honest, and both physically and mentally abusive to Micky and her daughter, let's call her Missy. Now Missy has been complaining to Micky about the abusive treatment and has gone to cutting herself and having sex far too young ( umm, 12?) but Micky is totally oblivious to her daughter's needs - she is so wrapped up in herself that it's scary. So she lets Bob stay and actually gets mad at Missy for complaining. Yeah, that makes sense, doesn't it?
Don't we all know this type?
Well, Micky would tell all her friends how she really wanted to get Bob out of her life... yet she never did. Of course, much as she kept holding on to Bob - I think she really just had to have a man in her house, so sad - she continued her habit of screwing around on him behind his back. Yet she also always took Bob's side against her very own flesh and blood.... and insulted her very own daughter for no good reason. Now these are just the "flings" I know of:
- some married guy - she kept him around for a while.
- this guy she met at a bar one night
- a kid who just graduated high school
- a younger brother of a friend of hers - to clarify, Micky is in her mid-late 30's and so was this female friend of hers, who we shall call Patty. Patty's brother just graduated from high school this june (see #3 above) and just turned 19 recently. Patty requested that she please not do it... and she did it anyway... in HER apartment, no less. Nice, yeah? Can't blame him - 18/19 year old males can only think of 2 things -food and sex. Well, maybe 3 or 4 if you add sports or video games... but sex rules the roost for them, generally.
- Her daughter's 18 year old boyfriend (her daughter was 12 at the time and was having sex with BOTH of them) who she let live in her house some time ago. Nice, eh? Yeah, this one was my personal "favorite".
- She WANTED to add me to the list, too... no thanks. But she talked a lot and definitely gave me "the look of connubial acquiescence" and I avoided the hell outta her. Scary.
- her daughter, 14, complained of some vaginal itching, etc - all the symptoms of a yeast infection. She calls her mom to ask for an appointment and what does Micky say? - "Are you a f*(ing idiot? You're only 14! You're too YOUNG to have a yeast infection!"
- When she discovered that her daughter was having sex she did absolutely NOTHING about it. Didn't talk to her. Didn't ask her about protection. Nope. I really think she was hoping Missy would get pregnant so she had an excuse to kick her out on her own. Sad, eh?
- In order to try to prevent a pregnancy and knowing they were going to be "active", Kirk's mom took Missy to get checked up for being put on the pill. Micky's reaction? She got pissy about it and wouldn't get the prescription filled simply cause she was mad at Patty for actually DOING something about it. Can we be more petty please? Not even TOM can be MORE PETTY.
You with me on this?
Well, a few weeks later was July 4th weekend, and Micky decided to let some of Missy's friends come and have a "party" - this included Kirk and Patty's younger brother, of course - how else could she get laid behind/in front of Bob's back without the boy? Patty told Micky to "absolutely not, under ANY circumstances" was she to allow Kirk to drink or to buy ANY alcohol for those kids." As in NO. As in HELL NO, No way, no how, no drinking. I heard her saying this and it was pretty clear what she meant.
But that July 4 weekend, what did Micky do? Despite Patty's repeated demands for no alcohol? She goes right out and buys them cases of beer and some liquor. And Micky KNEW Kirk had just gone to rehab.
Are you feelin me yet? Can you see what I'm talkin about here?
Well Kirk got wasted (.167 BAC) and then upset and cut his forearm to the bone.
What did Micky and Bob do? Well, let me tell you...
First, it was one of the kids' friends that managed to get the wound under control - an ex-marine. He compressed the would and wrapped it and likely, honestly, saved Kirk's life. Then Micky freaks out about the blood everywhere and Bob goes and starts yelling at Missy, saying this is all her fault. Then he goes around yelling at Kirk and calling him an idiot. Meanwhile there is the large and growing puddle of blood on the kitchen floor.
Does anyone see the problem with this?
Umm, yeah - where's the ambulance?
Well, I'll tell you where? Somewhere else. They didn't call it. Micky absolutely refused to call for one. Why? Cause Kirk was drunk. And if Kirk was drunk and the ambulance picked him up at her house, well, they would know he got drunk AT HER HOUSE. So in order to avoid getting in trouble, cause obviously her job was more important than Kirk's life, she decided that they should go and get some neighbor of theirs, Brian, who was ALSO drinking, to drive them all to the hospital. Of course, the idiot had no clue how to get to the hospital and went the LONG WAY. I mean, he went twice as far as he needed to cause, well, he was drunk and she was giving directions.
Let's put it this way, I was having dinner with some friends of mine and Patty was there with us all - we were farther away from the hospital than they were. I drove her and got her to the hospital at least 10 minutes before they got there and they were already on the way when they called Patty to let her know her son was injured. All this time, Kirk was bleeding out.
But, no, her job and her image were more important than this kid's life. Like that?
Now, Kirk's a fairly white kid, but he looked like steamed rice when he got to the hospital. He lost a good amount of blood.
When she got to the hospital, she played off and acted all concerned for Kirk, and claimed that she had no idea he would get this way if he had a drink. Umm, yeah... suuuuure... say it now so that the courts will believe you, honey. Patty had specifically told Micky about Kirk. It disgusted me to hear Micky pulling a CYA (cover your ass) maneuver when a kid's life was at stake. Unbelievable.
Well, like I said... sometimes life just gets even.
You see? Bob lives with Micky. Has done so since getting out of jail.
And Bob has a friend, who we shall call Neal. Neal was a little hard on his luck (probably another ex-con) and needed a place to crash. So Bob and Micky let Neal crash over at HER house (yes, it's her house). Wasn't that nice of her? Neal has been there now for at least a few weeks, maybe a month or two. Well, they all had a big party last weekend, you see? And they had this great little time, except Micky - who has been wondering why she hasn't been "getting any" from Bob for quite some time. Micky was drunk. Bob was drunk. Neal was drunk. See Micky ache for some booty. See Bob squirm. See Bob confess...
Bob turned to Micky in his drunken stupor and told her...
"I'm gay. Neal is my boyfriend and we've been sleeping together for months."
So sometimes, it really DOES come around.
So, yes, Neal and Bob... and that's what they do... for each other. Oh Micky... not so fine right now, eh? See? Coulda been nicer to the people that deserved it. Or maybe I'm just evil...?