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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Monday, September 26, 2005

What's This 101 Things Aboot Me Aboot, Anyway, Eh?

I suppose that in order to fulfill the ever-burgeoning "need" to write this thang, I will go ahead and create me a list such as you've seen 1000 times before... the ever-dreaded 101 Things Aboot Me list. Well, here goes:

1. Most people call me Wop, including close friends, some of whom do not know my REAL name.
2. My real name is Anthony.
3. No, I do not go by "Tony". Tony is that classic Italian DOOD who stands on a street corner next to his IROC-Z Camaro with T-Tops, hair slicked back, ultratight Chinos outlining every hair and inch of his package, silk shirt open from neck to belly button with various gold chains tangling in his sweaty chest curls, with a bright gold crucifix (that is mostly symbolic) and a Saint Christopher's statuette on the dashboard, talkin to people goin by saying, "Ayyy.. how yoo DO-in'?" (Yes, the writers for the Friends' character Joey completely ripped off a Tony from New York.) So, no, that's NOT me.
4. I'm actually Wopanese = Wop (Italian) + anese (Japanese)
5. For the politically correct, that would be Meditterasian
6. My mother is Japanese and generally reserved
7. My father is a very vocal Italian
8. My father scared me as a child.
9. My mother scares me even worse... those Japanese are DANGEROUS
10. I play guitar
11. I play(ed) trombone in band, jazz lab, marching band (high school and at Va Tech), and a funk/r&b/beach band... not necessarily in that order
12. I was made in Japan
13. Actually, technically I think I was "made" in New York, but the final processing and factory production processes ended in Japan.
14. I spoke Japanese fluently...
15. ... until the age of 4...
16. ... I theorize the culture shock of moving to Hawaii had some effect on this.
17. I almost spoke Spanish fluently... since they didn't teach Italian... and now I am barely able to speak it. Use it or lose it, I suppose.
18. I love rice... the real, sticky Japanese style rice - go figure, eh?
19. I am the "cut and paste" master
20. I am one of the original Star Wars geek fans, but I'm so over it now.
21. I think George Lucas REALLY screwed the pooch, from marketing in the "Return", to the acting in Episodes 1 and 2, to making the Force no longer a mystical thing so much as a viral infection (mitichlorians), and this list could go on and on. And the dialogue in Ep3? Let's not even talk about it.
22. If ever I get the chance and have the fame and power to do it, I'd remake those first 3 episodes with a proper script, cast, AND follow up with ep. 7-9, which was the Original plan... until George Lucas got lazy.
23. "Better Off Dead" and "Big Trouble in Little China" are two ofmy favorite movies
24. My best AND worst feature is - "my smart ass response" to anything and everything.
25. My favorite football team - Dallas Cowboys
26. My least favorite football team - Philadelphia Eagles
27. I'm an "Elvis"-man with "Beatles"-man tendencies
28. I absolutely despise the Blogspot editing tools
29. I wasn't a member of the Kiss Army as a child
30. Hell, I hated Kiss as a kid
31. And now, damn, I actually dig me some Kiss... go figure. Total glam out of control rock and roll
32. And yet, I dug David Bowie and Queen... weird
33. No, I'm definitely NOT gay.. not that there's anything wrong with it
34. One time, at band camp, this freaky clarinet player in the band, CG, gave me a ride home (I was only a freshman and he lived in the same neighborhood. No big deal, I thought.) And then, just a mile from my house, he stops the car and asks me if he could give me a, get this, BLOW JOB. Told me he could do it REAL well cause, yeah, "he KNOWS what a guy wants"...
35. Of course I told him no!
36. I'm man enough to admit that, while vehemently telling him to "stop the car and let me out" that small kinky sex factor we each have actually wondered if what he said was true... about it being the best and all - and being I was still a virgin, well..., I'd HEARD about oral sex and figured, hmm... well... But I most definitely told him to stop the car and let me out. He backed off and drove me down the street to my house and we never spoke of it again.
37. Hey, yes, we ALL have that side of us.
38. Yeah, I told some of my friends that he made the offer.
39. No, I never let him give me a ride home again - got rides from other friends or simply walked instead.
40. I played J.V. soccer in high school - quick of feet but not a fast sprinter... strong legged
41. Could have played (American) football, but there were issues with the folks... and with me and jocks at the time
42. Most everyone in high school assumed I was high ALL THE TIME - at least partially due to my half-Asian eyes... and cause I hardly ever got more than 3 hours of sleep a night.
43. I wasn't
44. But it was fun letting the rumors roll
45. I was suspended once and the rumors flew...
46. The biggest story I heard was that a teacher found out I was selling drugs in school and so they wanted to search my locker... but I came upon them and not only did I supposedly knock the sh1te out of the teacher in question but I pulled out a knife on the principal and had to get subdued by the football coaches.
47. That wasn't true
48. The truth was that I had been late to school 6 times without a note...
49. I am an Aries with either a Leo or Cancer Rising, and an Aquarian moon... so they told me. I told them Leo but she insisted I seemed much more a Cancer rising. Having read the description of each, well... I'd have to lean towards Cancer rising, but that Leo one could fit also...
50. I'm INTERESTED in the occult; I find the symbolism and methods fascinating
51. I do not actually PRACTICE magic or wicca or any of the hundreds of other practices
52. I have what they say is a great sense of humor - many claim I have missed my calling as a comedian.
53. I plan on trying to make use of that ability in music and/or movies to let my creative juice have a release and HOPEFULLY somehow make a living with it
54. I am a computer programmer/analyst
55. I am pretty good at it, it helps that I'm, well, smart
56. I am really tired of coding for a company that doesn't show us ANY appreciation for our efforts - ie. no raises in over 2 years... umm, hey, people... the COST OF LIVING is INCREASING. So now I am really making less money than I did 2 years ago. That doesn't make sense.
57. I believe in the Chewbacca defense
58. I was rear-ended by a drunk dude the week before Christmas and he tried to flee the scene by driving off
59. I chased his ass down in my car and got all the info for the cops
60. I was pissed off badly (not to mention the headaches and neck pains I had for months!) so, yes, I got a lawyer and sued.
61. I miss physical therapy - the women there were very fun and, well, attractive to boot - what more could you ask for when you're a man in pain?
62. My sister passed away on April Fool's Day
63. Her last words before her car was hit by the Amtrak train as she tried to cross the tracks with the barriers down were "Oh yeah? Watch this!"
64. That was in 1986
65. Yeah, still miss her
66. Have never ridden on an Amtrak "Dare to Ride the Rails" Train since then.
67. I have a 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass 442 Convertible just waiting for my garage to get done so the restoration process can begin
68. I own a large 2 car garage... with a lean to that can park my Del Sol... and a workshed built into it... it's a really cool garage
69. ... while not actually my favorite number, what else do people EVER think when they hear it?
70. I tend to be very open and loud and talkative
71. I tend to keep the important details about myself very private
72. I admit to being a bit of an elitist
73. I am an avid reader
74. I've written somewhere in the nieghborhood of 100 songs' worth of lyrics
75. I think that a few of them are actually "good"
76. I'm into many a jam band - something about live improvisation is beyond good.
77. I'm not big into country music - which really doesn't help when you live in Richmond, home of a Nascar race, tons of Redskins fans, and Rednecks galore - I mean, you DO know the title of this blog, don't you?
78. I stargaze
79. I'm conservative about goverment policies.
80. I am socially liberal
81. I'm a gun-toting hippie, in other words
82. Sure, I wish I were an astronaut
83. I could do with losing some weight - hey, I'm an American. MOST of us could do with losing some weight.
84. I own 3 and 2-halves motorcycles. Yeah, that doesn't quite make sense, does it?
85. None of them are currently in running shape - but, HEY, that garage will be ready SOON!
86. At one point, a motorcycle was my sole mode of transport - I think I put about 20,000 miles on that motorcycle that year. I think that almost qualifies for an Iron Butt award
87. I have VERY long hair. Think of someone you know with long hair. Now make it a foot or two longer (appx 30-60 cm longer for you metric folk) and that's my hair. Probably - I know some have longer, like Crystal Gail (sp?), the country singer.
88. If I didn't live in Virginia, I probably would have no idea who the hell Crystal Gail is.
89. I like Black Comedies - Fargo is high on the list
90. I think Peter Jackson did a poor job of doing Lord of the Rings - I really think he misunderstood the work and did a poor job of selecting editorial changes to the text.
91. Yes, I know a movie is NOT the same as a book - but let's not get me started on how he mishandled the changes he made to the basic storyline for purposes of making it mainstream and palatable to women uninterested in fantasy films and people who don't have the IQ of a can of paint.
92. I am forming a band and I think I have a great name for it... wait till I copyright it, then I'll tell you.
93. A lady friend of mine seems to feel absolutely certain that my ex-fiancee wants me back.
94. I am almost 100% certain she does NOT want me back - she likes feng shui and a very simplified lifestyle and decor - me? I tend towards chaos and collections. That alone presented a near unbreachable gap between us when we lived together. But then again, her exact words were "you are magical" so you never can tell.
95. I believe that women sometimes/often tell men they date that they are the greatest sexual encounter in their lives... mostly for the benefit of the man's ego and not wanting to answer the question "Well, who was better?"
96. I wonder sometimes at the dark thoughts in my soul
97. I wonder sometimes if everyone else on the entire planet can read minds... except me. This of course makes me the butt of an enormous cosmic joke, which really wouldn't surprise me at all
98. I don't think the glass is half-full OR half-empty. I think the glass is half-full of liquid and half-full of air, with a lot of empty space throughout due to the actual ratio of empty space between molecules contained therein. IE - I am a realist, not a pessimist or optimist.
99. I usually get about 4 hours of sleep each night - more than that often makes me feel worse...
100. I drive aggressively at times - yeah, like in the morning... and the afternoon... at night too... pretty much all times unless I am VERY tired. Then I drive like grandma.
101. I believe I need more numbers - always overly verbose... go figure

So, there you go. Still awake? Helloooo?

7 Smack Me:

At 26/9/05 16:04, Blogger HS flipped me...

Yeah, read the whole list! We have quite a few things in common! good list!

At 26/9/05 20:12, Blogger Robin Alexa flipped me...

You can't read minds? What's wrong with you dude?

Crystal Gale hair...cool...I'm currently going for that look myself.

I'm really sorry about your sister. I hope she's in a better place.

You WERE the best I've had. Really baby. Oh wait, we've never met.

At 26/9/05 20:30, Blogger Robin flipped me...

What a cool list! So you're ready to move on to stage 2 of Me-Me Monday. Next week, start at #1 (or not, if you don't like order) and tell the story behind the "thing" about you! I can't WAIT!

At 27/9/05 22:23, Blogger The Funky Bee flipped me...

good job Wop! I agree with you about the eagles, you know how I feel about the rest...

sorry to hear about your sister :O( I would still miss her too...you always will.

you would have LOVED ACL since you heart music so much!!

I feel I know you so much better now!


At 28/9/05 06:25, Anonymous Anonymous flipped me...

We agree on NOTHING :o)

At 28/9/05 07:58, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

heather - thanks

binsk - dunno. That inability to read minds gets me into trouble all the time, last night included

robin - yep. Ready.

bee - thanks. The Eagles do suck. WANTED to go to ACL BADLY.

p - have you READ the books? 'nuff said.

At 29/9/05 14:04, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

thanks, dana!


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