TGIF = Thoughts Geared In Fans
I've been writing music for some time and the one thing I have noticed is that, for me, it is much easier to write a funny song that will catch people's attention, than it is to write something... "good". At least, something I would consider "good". Maybe it comes from years of trying to be the "funny guy" and having some skills in that arena. And I'm not tooting my own horn - it has always been something I strived to be good at, being the funny guy - it was the one skill that helped me most in my, umm, formative years - Yes, that would be formative as in "suck ass try to avoid getting beaten by the rednecks middle school" years.
The question I have is, of course, something I've been wondering about for some time. See, I can usually get an audience who is paying attention to hoot and howl for my risque or funny songs at the drop of a hat - well, a forgiving audience that doesn't mind me getting a bit risque anyway... but my "serious" material will be greeted with some polite applause at best - with the exception of one song that does seem to strike a chord (pardon the expression) with people.... and I don't even think that song is some of my better material, for the most part - maybe I'm not good at judging what's good, too... hmm.
So I stand always writing, trying to write serious material, but the lure of the "instant gratification" of the funny stuff always pulls at me. The fact is, I've completed two or three times as many funny songs in the past year, as I have serious material... and I know that being a crowd ho is completely at fault. So it even makes it difficult for me to write more serious material. (Being a crowd ho truly is an addiction, I tell you)
Now, the flip side of the situation is the long term effects of this habit of mine, this addiction to getting some reaction. The result is similar to what comedians get when they try to act in a serious movie. People rarely take them seriously... regardless of how well they do at it. Think about the serious roles Robin Williams has played. It has been a tough road for him to get those parts... but in all honesty, he does pretty well at them. The truth is, acting in a comedy can be harder than acting in a drama... and making them laugh can be more difficult as well... some people do believe that comedians can make great actors... but the audience? The audience always seems to see the comedian. They pidgeonhole people, the audience does. They can't help it. We are they and it's what we do, in general.
So do I want to be known as the "next Jack Black" ? That wouldn't be such a bad thing, really, but do I not want to be taken seriously for my music? It's hard enough when you have friends and family who don't seem to take your love of performing seriously enough... but to be cursed ever to be the funny guy instead of the musician? Already I have people who know me for a few of my songs - "Vaseline" and "Men are Assholes" and the newly popular song that has become known simply as "the Milf Song"... But those were easy to write, and I would like to be taken seriously. I want "Retreaded" to get hummed by someone... I want "Just Like You" on someone's playlist when they are feeling a black mood... but it's not what I seem to be getting known for...
Aye, there's the rub. I know I can be the funny guy, from years of experience...
but to be the musician?
4 Smack Me:
i think people recognize what other folks are most comfortable if you're really comfortable with the funny stuff, that probably translates. you could play an out-of-the-way venue with all your more serious stuff, and maybe have a different fan base for it.
sometimes people don't know how to react to the doesn't mean they don't like it. i'm sure all your writing is quality.
I LOVE Jack Black, Jim Carrey, and Robin Williams. So there! :) I agree with the two above posts BTW. I am sure you are a great song writer, be it funny or other wise.
pickalish - I know... but the funny stuff is that instant gratification without lasting flavor... I think my more serious stuff has merit too - it's a lot harder for that material to catch... I understand that. Bah. Anyway, thanks for the kind words!
grody - I'm comfortable doing the serious stuff... it's just a less seasoned hand... and the response is more subdued. NAture of the beast, I suppose. And thank you, too, for the generous words.
jodi - Me too... And thanks for the compliments regarding my skills - time will tell.
You have some good serious music.. The people in the crowd that are actually paying attention enjoy those songs as well as your funny ones...
It will all come around in time.. You played some of your serious songs the other night and it seemed to have gotten as good of a reaction as the couple of funny songs you played...
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