Tall Tale Tuesday 2
A friend of mine is a shop teacher in high school. Actually, they renamed that entire department to, get this, Technology Education - or TechEd for short. I suppose they have indeed moved with the times. Back in the day, all the shop students learned was how to use power tools, drill presses, lathes, and the like. Nowadays they learn about video and editing, radio production, computers, communications, the nature of electricity and technology in the world and how to solve problems... so I suppose it was time to rename it. But back THEN? They would make clocks and lamps and bongs (well, some of them did, unbeknownst to the teacher... or so they thought) and other ... stuff made of wood. A bit like witches, being made of wood, but I digress...
Well, he told me once about this one girl, a young blonde, who truly lived up to the stereotype of women blessed (or cursed) with having locks of gold. Yes, a true blonde she was, not one of those bottle blondes, or blondes with roots. Ditzy as they come, he told me of one experience he had in class while trying to explain the various tools and tidbits they would use.
The story started about here... he said, "This is a band saw. It can be very dangerous, so please make sure to use extreme caution here, okay?"
"A what?" she asked
"A band saw," and he could see her face look a little confused. "Moving on... how about we start out with something simpler, okay?" He moved over to the carpentry toolboxes. "This is a hammer"
She seemed to recognize that one, just a bit.
He said, "This is a screwdriver, this here's a wrench, and... oh, here we go. This is a nail, this is a screw, and this here is a bolt." She looked a big confused there. So he looked at her and he asked her, "Do you know what the difference between a nail, a screw, and a bolt are?"
She looked a little panicked for a second, but then he saw that look in her eye as if a light switch had just turned on. He recognized that look and it is something teachers generally love to see - that look of comprehension and understanding - just as she replied...
"Well, I've never been bolted before."
many thanks to Sierra for publishing Leisure Suit Larry when I was old enough to get all the jokes...
4 Smack Me:
That was just wrong! LOL Although it was a good one..
a good one..haven't heard that before. i told it to the hubby, who has a classic ditzy blonde working for him. "does sushi have chicken or beef in it? because i only like beef," she says to him as he eats his sushi for lunch. nice.
LMDAO!! I'm going to forward that to Tango! Love it!
shari - hey, I have to work with the material I've been given
grody - sushi ? Tastes like chicken, right?
pixie - thanks much!
kenny - me, I prefer my raincoats to be immobile so they stay put when I wear them.... of course, it does make it hard to go for a walk if they are immobile. Damn. Okay fine, portable it is.
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