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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

SURE. We got PLENTY iBooks Left

I was honestly going to work on Part 6 today but I had to write about THIS (click here.)
Just when I thought we Virginians had risen above the rigid Southern REDNECK image... some idiots have to go and prove me wrong... and right.

my favorite pic of it is in this story

and another good shot

here is another link

Of all the freakin reasons to make the CNN ticker, this is NOT one to have

Anyone else out there see how there was a 5500 person mob that went apeshite in Henrico County trying to score one of a 1000 4-year old iBook notebooks? There were 17 people injured, one baby stroller got crushed (the mother claims she just did get the baby out of it in the nick of time), there was at least one person who started a fistfight when someone jumped in front of them in line (although that was really silly - as soon as the gates opened, all pretense of a line went right out the door). Then there was the woman who pissed her own pants (she didn't have a magic cone) rather than lose her spot in line. And let's not forget the woman who had to have the EMT's show up for her, because she passed out not once, not TWICE, but THREE times from dehydration... and THEN she insisted on staying in the damn line. Now, talk about the inconsideration of this person. The EMT had to stay with her all damned day, waiting in line with her, because she refused to leave the line. I wonder if anyone died because of her selfishness? Hmm?

I just want to reassure you gentle readers out there in the world that we in Virginia are NOT all as bad as those 5500 idiots/wankers/jerk-offs that trampled the baby stroller and hurt 17 people. Really.

Or maybe we are.

Maybe you are too. Mobs just get STOOPID.

Damn it's really embarrassing to live in the South sometimes. See, there is already this overriding prejudice that claims that anyone from the South is, well, a bit slow/stupid/dumb. The accent sure doesn't help us any... the word y'all is no good... then there's Jeff Foxworthy and the Cable Guy adding to the pot. Damn.

It was bad enough that Forrest Gump lived in a Southern state.

And now we had to have 5500 Southern folk add to that stupid factor.

I need to move back out west. Somewhere nice and peaceful... iBook free...
But, hey, it has spurred up whole new businesses so I guess it is OKAY. Right?

Hey... you think they might have any of those iBooks left?....

7 Smack Me:

At 18/8/05 10:25, Blogger The Funky Bee flipped me...

I'll take an iBook please...he he. I would never stand in line or be trampled for a damn old computer! Some people are just nuts. But think about it. Some people can't afford pooters and this was a good opportunity for them. It's just unfortunate that it turned out this way. At least they weren't rushing the gates for cabbage patch kids! Remember those days? nuts I tell ya, NUTS! NOW GO GET NEKKID...IT'S THURSDAY!

At 18/8/05 10:55, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

True... but the worse part of it is?

Most of these computers, even though they'd been bashed and tossed and dropped by the students who owned them for 4 straight years, is that MOST of them are getting sold on EBAY RIGHT NOW. Talk about sleazy bastages.

Cabbage patch..ACK. I got stuck in 2 of these "rushes" for gifts. One was TICKLE-ME-ELMO. The other was... dammit, what was it called. This little talking blob of birdbeaked fuzzball.. dangit.

Mine was named "Tou-lu"..

As for nekkid, well.. I need to find my digital camera... soon as I do, I'll get to scare people!! ha ha!

At 18/8/05 11:15, Blogger peachy flipped me...

They should have done a lottery. Show up a week before they are offering to pick up or buy a 1 dollar ticket. Then, today they should have had the drawing for 50. The 5500 people would have shown up, but there is no reason for a stampede, and everyone gets a fair chance. I'd rather save and get a new computer anyway.

At 18/8/05 11:24, Blogger The Funky Bee flipped me...

I believe it was called a Furbie! I feel ashamed to know that. Those things scare me. AND I am very dissapointed in your Wop! Tickle me Elmo AND the Furbie...tsk tsk!

At 18/8/05 15:33, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

peachy - either that or just sell em on ebay and make more than 50 bucks for the county. That's what most of these people seemed to have in mind

funky bee - yep. I had a Furby. Sad, yeah? It was really for the tech geek factor... REALLY! And Spank-Me-Elmo? That was honestly a gift. No, I mean it. Really!

steph - indeed. And I am here willing to show it all off for "all y'all" to see.

At 18/8/05 17:49, Blogger Neutron flipped me...

Good evening...erm..."y'all". I am British and I live in Germany and that news story even made it into the papers over here! In England we would queue patiently for something like that, in Germany we would queue IMpatiently...and in the other countries it would be elbows at ten paces.
Good to know folks are the same all over.

At 19/8/05 13:15, Blogger The Funky Bee flipped me...

had to show you this...Just saw this online and made me think of your 'magic cone' post!!



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