I got destroyed. My ego is broken
Yes, I did it to myself. I went and logged into blogexplosion and cocky lil' ole me entered into a Battle of the Blogs... I put my sad little, default screened, pictureless, overwordy, obnoxious little blog (the one you are reading) up against a mom-happy, picture-laden, "talk-about-my-kids" fest-o-blog... and I was defeated.
I was crushed, beaten, spanked, whooped, 'moked, destroyed. I got served, wiped off the slate, shown the door, walked the dog on.
Need I say more?
And it cost me 10 credits to have the soul sucked right out of me. Sweet. So much for my little dream of becoming a world famous blogger, whose site inspires the world by the millions and somehow lands me a publishing deal, a recording contract, and a studio offer for directing a movie of my own choosing. Oh well. I suppose a few pictures would improve the look of this blog... or perhaps something besides the dull green screen, yeah?
I suppose it would behoove me to spend a little more time on that whole "look and feel" thing of this site, rather than try to work so hard on, oh, I don't know, the content? Not that I've really worked hard on it. What you see here is mostly the 5 minute dribblings that stumble out of my head (and hands). I imagine that my defeat was well deserved.... but could I have at least lost to something besides a site that contained no less than 5 pictures of a toddler in a saggy/needed-to-be-changed diaper? Oh, the humiliation. The agony. The very humanity of it all.
Hmm... okay, secret ploy... I will be gathering photos of various young drooly things from across the web - children, puppies, kittens, invalids... doesn't matter what, so long as there is drooling involved... THEN, a big posting of pictures with all the "cute" drool shots... THEN, the next battle. Write some schmaltzy little entry like, "Oh, look what my cute wittle shnookums did today with his pet rhinocerous! Awwww" and just rake in the winnings... yeah... strike at prime time for mother blogging - I'm guessing noon-2 and 4-6.... of course, little will they know the TRUTH... cause they probably won't read this far into the BLOG, too busily cooing and cawing at the various drooly little pictures in my posts...
Feel free to forward any possible pictures to me for use in that "sure to win" posting, okay? The more drool, the better. Mothers love drooly baby things, so stick to the topic. I'll share all my ill-gotten booty and ill-booten gotty with you. Deal?
BAH! But I guess they should get to write what they want... I mean, after all, I get to.
3 Smack Me:
Just wanted to say thank you for what you wrote on my blog. I do appreciate it! :-)
I don't know what blogexplosion is, but sorry you lost. My boyfriend's dog drools. Maybe I can take a picture of a big hunk of drool on his sweatpants. hee hee.
Maybe you could rent some extra kids...
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