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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sometimes Mondays happen on Tuesday

I thought today was going to be a banner day at work. Really, I did. But this is basically how I ended up being treated - emasculated, shaved in an embarrassing fashion, and left in my cube to rot. Damn.

And it's TUESDAY.

On the plus side, at least I'm not this cat. I mean... look at him. Could you get any more pissed off? Could you feel any worse?

Well, when I have more time after hours, I'll regale with portions of my tale of woe... or maybe I'll actually get to Part 6... it has been so long that I think it has become something of a running joke... "Yeah, SUUUUURE you'll write part 6, Wop... Sure you will. You f$#@~&!! bastard you."

So, to prove I believe in democracy - all those in favor of me writing Part_6 for real and for true, post yon comment below...


6 Smack Me:

At 16/8/05 18:23, Anonymous Anonymous flipped me...

Sits wondering how the story ends.

At 17/8/05 01:12, Blogger HS flipped me...

lol...oh my, that poor poor cat! I can't help but smile at its apparent misfortune though...sorry kitty, but you look rather dorky.

I hope wednesday goes better for you! :)

At 17/8/05 11:50, Blogger peachy flipped me...

I want to hear the story.

(I feel so lost reading your blog. I guess I should start from the beginning)

At 17/8/05 13:59, Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy flipped me...

Do part 6, yo!

At 17/8/05 21:16, Blogger The Funky Bee flipped me...

Uugghh that cat is disgusting! It looks like it has saggy old woman boobs! Cats = yuck! I know I'm gonna catch hell for that from all of the pussy lovers but I am so alergic to cats and they are mean...

Okay, sorry for my cat rant. Wop, I'm sorry you had such a bad day/week. I hope it's getting better. I'm not quite sure what it's all about b/c I'm kind of new here but Write part 6! ;O)
One day when there's time I'll read your blog from the start and get all caught up (on parts 1-5 I hope)

At 18/8/05 15:37, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

shari - part 6?

hs - yep. sad. They claim they wanted a "line cut" (whatever the hell that is)... that's what they got when they asked with a Suthern Acksent...

ps - thanks. It was a ROUGH day

peachy - indeed. My very first blog entry is part 1. Warning - I'm a wordy bastage!

CUG - I'm on it... right after the stupid ibook story

Bee - I love pussy cats. Cats remind us of where we really are in the universe - they'll love on ya, then ignore ya... kinda like some guys treat women. Or vice versa. Terrible yeah? But it's a sad, sad picture...


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