They say that meetings are great - that they inspire productivity and efficiency - that they generate great new ideas - that they are the cornerstone of any good, well-oiled machine of a business.
Yeah. Right. I say someone invented these things to torture yours truly.
Dammit... I am in the middle of one right now - short break - and now I must return.
If you don't hear from me again, it is likely that the contents of the meeting have completely blanked my mind and put me upon some cult-like path of conform, wherein I start to wear polo shirts and khakis every day to work, and call my friends "Dude".
God help me and have mercy on my soul...
8 Smack Me:
Uh Oh... sound like some serious sh**!!
Hope you come through it ok!
yes, yes, yes... I'm back - finally
Oh God, not the khakis! At least there's no Flair required.
pixie - congrats big time, you beautiful woman!
amy - indeed. Ahh, wait... they would probably require that I wear COMPANY logo'd polos. Key-rap.
May the force be with you, my friend. OHHHH, what if they made you were khakis on your new tv show? that would bite, huh? :)
Thinks about you in khakis everyday hmmmm can't picture it!
Feels your pain on the meetings. I'm so glad I don't have work related meetings anymore, only the occasional school meetings.
Ahhh, meetings. When I was at the hospital, our department was divided into groups and they finally insisted on every group having a weekly meeting. That actually was a good idea as it did inform those in the group who weren't involved in everything about what everyone else was doing and it actually was productive.
However, too much of a "good" thing became the status quo and a good friend of mine who still works there regularly tells me he spends as much or more time in meetings every week as he does on doing any actual work. Gotta love the corporate world.
I had a staff meeting today. It was scheduled for my day off at 7:30 in the morning. :(
Uuggh, we have SO MANY MEETINGS at my office. It is so annoying. The minute I step into a meeting I start wondering when it will be over. If you ever want to torture some information out of me, put me in a meeting, I'll crack instantly!
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