The Nature of Truth
Truth. You would think that such a nice little word would be so simple to define. The more I go along, the more I realize that truth is more slippery than an eel and more ephemeral than Jim Morrison's ghost. It's certainly harder to find than proof of Bigfoot's existence and more difficult to acquire than a good picture of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster.
It always seems so subjective, too. What is truth to one person is simply a cover to another. One person might actually believe something that is false but accept is as truth. Does it make it any less true to that person? I suppose not.
I guess the real problem with such truths is when you try to apply your personal truths to other people...specifically, people who don't feel the same way... or people who simply "know better".
This reminds me of an incident from the "wilder" days of my youth. (Some would, of course, deny that my youth was truly wilder than my current life, but that's mere speculation and a topic for a different blog entry.) In any event, I got suspended from school. It was just an in school suspension for something really stupid, to be sure.
What was fascinating about this little tale is the word that spread about the reasons for my self-caused imprisonment. Some tales were simple - got busted with pot, cussed out a teacher, got into a fight. Other tales were much wilder, and usually combined the typical elements into something larger than life.
Far be it from reason to get in the way of such a tale.
This one cat named Ed - we called him Bucky cause we were cruel little bastards back in the day... really cruel... of course, he was really annoying and a bit of an asshole so we felt no need to revise the name, truth be known... and, again, there's that word - in any event, Bucky came up to me the day after I got out of "prison" and walked up to me and asked me how it felt. Of course, I asked him what the hell he was talking about and he unfolded this tale about what I had done.
He KNEW it to be absolutely TRUE regardless of what I told him.
Funny, you would think that I, of all people, would know the truth of the matter when it came to why I was in I.S.S., wouldn't you?
His tale went something like this:
The teachers insisted that they be allowed to search my locker because I was suspected of using or distributing drugs in school. This was a constant rumor held about me - I'm sure in part due to my half-asian eyes which gave me the look of someone constantly stoned. Well, as his tale claimed, I refused so the teacher grabbed me and shoved me against a locker. My response was to straight up slug the teacher in the face and as he was stumbling back I apparently pulled out this six inch blade, of which I owned none, and held him at bay with this knife. It seems I was a real bad-ass cause it took 2 cops and 3 teachers to finally take me down.
And for this I earned 3 days in In School Suspension.
Umm... say what? Methinks I would earn more like 1-5 years in Juvie or the state pen for that, no?
And like I said, no matter how I protested and told him that was not at all true, he insisted it was. Hell, he even went so far as to claim that he SAW it.
Seriously - he said he saw it. I wouldn't kid you about this... you can trust me to tell you the "truth"...
Now, how the hell do you only get 3 days I.S.S. for assault and battery, whipping out a deadly (and concealed) weapon, threatening the use of deadly force, and resisting arrest - not to mention the apparent multitudes of drug charges they were going to have against me? It's beyond me, I can tell you that much.
Now what was the truth? I got busted and sent to I.S.S. because I was late to school six times without a note to excuse my tardiness.
Truth is a funny thing. Kinda makes you wonder if there is anything true at all.
6 Smack Me:
Truth is a very difficult word for most people I have found. They don't seem to know the real definition of the word.
Truth is a very difficult word for most people I have found. They don't seem to know the real definition of the word.
So, has something happened to bring about this rant on truthfullness? or did you just get up this morning and decide to blog about the "truth" or lack there of? Just sayin'. :) I can see either being the case BTW. And i agree with you too. The truth is a very relative term. Kind like the word "clean". For example, my def. of clean and my kids def. of clean are something ENTIRELY different, let me tell ya. Another good one is "fat". Don't EVEN get me started on that one.
I like your view on perspective. Obviously, that's the basis for most religious debates. What one side sees as the "truth" is simply faith in something they believe in while others only believe something to be true if they've seen it with their own eyes.
I find it interesting how stories can crop up like that. I remember doing an experiment in 5th grade to show how things get screwed up and embellished and details get lost once it has gone through several people. The teacher lined about 10 of us up and started it off. I was the first kid so she whispered it in my ear. It was very long and was bound to be wrong just because a normal person couldn't remember everything. The problem was, I screwed up the experiment because I couldn't HEAR her so very little of what she said even made it past me, let alone to the end of the line. It was still a neat experiment nevertheless and something that stuck with me.
I don't know if it's because of that or not, but I do have a policy of judging people for myself. It seems whenever I've ever had a new job, there's always someone who's not liked and someone who's dying to tell me everything wrong with that person. I have even gone as far as to tell them I would draw my own conclusions about that person because I expect to be treated the same way. Often I've found that the one bitching the loudest about someone is REALLY the person who's the office PITA.
shari - and yet... you didn't give a definition either... so, what IS truth?
plum - I think it's more the teens than the 80's that really make it happen like that. Then again, really, it's just PEOPLE. People suck. Except you, of course.
jodi - Well telling would just give away my inspirado, wouldn't it? And yes, clean and fat are all relative terms. Me? I'm not fat. I'm big-boned.
julie - yes, happy birthday... no comment on the actual numbering or the truth therein, ha ha
bill - indeed. Having read one of your recent entries, I must say I understand. Truly.
I really enjoyed this blog. I read it twice....and it really does make a person think. I believe that every person has his or her own version of everything; especially truth.
I didn't have a very fun childhood and my version of it is MY TRUTH. However, if you were to ask either one of my sisters or even my parents (who all lived in the same house) they would have their own version of life. Strange. It leaves me feeling calm and disturbed at the same time.
If you start applying such theory to judges, policemen, doctors, etc. it really gets creepy!
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