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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Friday, December 23, 2005

. . HANNU-
. . . KWANZAA-
. . KA-
. MAS !!!

I really get tired of being politically correct and saying "Happy Holidays". Screw that. But I remembered this commercial where they came up with the above slogan. If I didn't cover you, well... it's the thought that counts, so piss off if I didn't mention your particular holiday for this season. Bah, humbug!

In any event, just taking a few moments to spread the joy... then it's, ACK!!!, back to the mall !!! Wish me luck - I'll have a nice little rant about mall rats and their joyous seasonal behavior after it's all in the past... for this year, at least.

until then, have a (see above) - I'll be placing gifts under my CHRISTMAS Tree for my peops to open. And, yeah, it's a Christmas Tree. That's a symbol Christians use in celebrating this particular season, so get over it. I don't seem to recall there ever being a Hannukah tree... nope... they have a Menora (sp?), right? And I don't think Hindus or Buddhists even celebrate this time of year... Ramadan Tree? Didn't think so. So back up and off the Christmas tree and leave it be.

FYI - Christmas is a Federal Holiday and it is named for the Christmas Holiday.

Has anyone else gotten the feeling that I absolutely loathe political correctness? Well, I do. I think it causes more problems than it will ever solve....


5 Smack Me:

At 23/12/05 23:47, Blogger Bill flipped me...

As I said before, dude, we were separated at birth I swear. Right there with ya on this one. I can't believe the stink that's being made about the word "Christmas" this year. I don't know what my religion is. I suppose you'd call it Christian. I believe in something, I guess. I know I would be afraid to go to church for fear of bursting into flames immediately. But I celebrate Christmas. And people can celebrate whatever the hell they want and say the freakin' WORD! I can't imagine someone getting offended by someone saying Merry Christmas to them at the mall or wherever. We may be the last generation that hears it, though. Everything's so watered down, so PC, that it's sickening. For crying out loud, when I was in the Air Force there was a job called "Recreation Specialist". That translated into the guy who handed out the basketballs at the gym and cleaned the floor when people were done. Heaven forbid we offend someone. I say we all celebrate Festivus and forget all the other stuff. And then we'll all truly come together on New Year's Eve because, hey, alcohol brings us all together!

At 24/12/05 10:52, Blogger Jillian flipped me...


At 25/12/05 23:09, Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy flipped me...

Merry Christmas, wopanese! :)
Hope this finds you and yours well!

At 28/12/05 18:26, Blogger HS flipped me...

Oh, don't get me started on political correctness and on stupid retards at the mall...

Anyways, I hope your Christmas was splendid! mine was really nice but not very relaxing.

At 29/12/05 10:52, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

bill - And to think, all this started with secretary and stewardess...

jill - Right back at ya

UAW - Same same from me to youz

hs - Malltards, they're special. Happy... Boxing day? What is up with that, anyway?


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