I . am . tired .
Worked till the end of the workday. Went home, loaded up, and went to the gig at the Bleu Bistro. Played from 8:50pm till, oh, 1am. Flirted and schmoozed and chit-chatted. Played designated driver. Came to work. Work work work.
Did I mention that part about being tired?
I need a direct coffee IV. Stat.
What the hell does STAT mean, anyway? Is that a latin abbreviation? What is it with the medical profession and latin? Why do they use latin terms for everything? What up with that? And, just in case you are unsure, I'm talking about the latin the ROMANS spoke waaaaay back in the day of their "big ole EMPIRE". I'm not talking about what the vatos and the SA's down in East LA speak... that's spanish, dude. And before you go there for me going there - Hey, Cheech wrote that song and did that movie - Born in East LA , so... before you go all "you're being racist" on me, just remember that, si?
Besides, I LOVE latinos. Some of my best friends are... okay, I won't finish that sentence...
Anyway.... you know, it doesn't give me much faith when doctors use a DEAD LANGUAGE when speaking medicine at me. How about they use a LIVING language instead? Hmm?
(Seriously, some people think that latinos or people from Latin Americans speak latin. Durf.)
But not French. Nope. French spoken badly sounds like someone having a seizure with a gerbil stuck up their butt and a snail lodged in their windpipe. It sounds like someone choking.
That wouldn't inspire confidence in most patients, I can tell you that much.
Maybe that's just me. Maybe I'm wrong here
It has happened once or twice... ;)
7 Smack Me:
From my limited experience with court terms, I have 2 AJ classes under my belt now, I believe many of those are also Latin. I don't like that, because a) who in the heck speaks Latin anymore in these United States and b) to a novice the names all sound remarkably the same. It's super hard to keep them all straight. And that's all I have to say about THAT. :)
Dude, I'm stealing your French quote. lol Hilarious!
I always thought that STAT meant
See Tits and Touch....at least that's what a very good GUY friend told me once! I don't know if that's a latin derivative.... but I hope that my doctor doesn't know that version! :)
Goodness, MaryJane, you "know" the ODDEST stuff, I must say! :)
Oh, and my wife is a lab technician. I asked her what STAT meant and it's supposedly and acronym for "sooner than already there".
You must be tired. We haven't heard from you in days!!!!!
jodi - latin. Just an excuse to sound smarter maybe?
bill - feel free. I've got a ton of 'em.
maryjane - mm-okay. I'm feeling like testing out that theory... who's with me? Anyone
bill - how dry and... doctor-like
jodi - been busy... a lot.. work, deadline, a prayer riding on getting a bonus for "gittinitdone"
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