More Abusive Language
Summer, she of the Shizzle, posted this comment on my last entry:
I was wondering how to pronounce the first syllable of wopanese. I was thinking it was like whope...
But, then I have no idea what "wop" means.
Well, thank you very much for playing, Summer. You have given me the topic of the day - that ever elusive question that I KNOW is burning in your minds out there....
Wop is a derogatory term for a person of Italian descent. In fact, while we are it, here is a list of various derogatory nicknames for people of various heritage, and some of their supposed origins:
- Irish : mick - originates from the nature of Irish names, such as McHenry, McDoogle, MacDonald - the Mc/Mac part means "son of".
- Spanish : spic
- Puerto Rican : PR
- Hispanic person from New York : New Yorican
- Mexican : wetback - their backs get wet from swimming across the Rio Grande to get into the US
- Chinese : chinks
- Korean : yohos, wannabe Japs
- Asian people in general : slanteyes, Yellow Horde, chink
- Phillipino : flip, PI (in Hawaii), manung (also from Hawaii)
- French : frog
- German : Kraut - must be from sauerkraut, jerry
- Jews : kikes (sp?)
- rich Jewish girls living in the US : JAP's (Jewish American Princess)
- Italian : Wop - see below for the various origins
- Other derogary Italian nicknames : dago, d-nose, spaghetti-head, guinea (a personal favorite of mine)
- Japanese : slopehead, Japs
- Black : nigger - from negro
- Other derogatory Black terms - (this is a long list) : spook, spoolie, spearchucker, jiggaboo, porchmonkey, darkie, moolie (from Italian)
- Vietnamese : VC, Charlie
- muslin : pull-start - as in the turban - you pull it to start a lawnmower
- Indian : dothead, 7-11 employee of the month, push-start
- Middle Easterner : sand nigger, camel jockey
- Native American : Injun, Redskin
- white people : cracker, redneck, honkie (old school!), men who can't dance
Now, as to the origins of Wop. Let me go into *History Channel mode*
Back in the early 1900's, immigration to the United States was rampant. New York was flooded by people of all sorts and nations coming in search of the now-so-elusive "American Dream". Irish, German, Polish, Italians, and many others, by the thousands. Due to the nature of the Italian government at that time, many Italian immigrants simply got on boats, packed liked sardines, to come over to America... and many, if not most of them, did not have their official immigration paperwork. Because of this, they were given American documents stamped W.O.P. - without official papers - and sent to Ellis Island until they could be properly routed. So there you go. WOP = Without Official Papers.
Speaking of which, Ellis Island has become a memorial of those immigration days - and my family contributed to the Ellis Island fund to have a brick dedicated to my grandfather, who was one of those immigrants who came over on the boat. Not long after the brick was placed for viewing, amongst thousands of others, they went and visited and got a pencil etching of the brick when they located it out of all the many there. It's kind of cool knowing there is a bit of permanence out there attached to your family, although true immortality comes from the spirit, memories, and family, a little edifice with your name on it is kind of sweet, eh?
Now, before you go all uber-liberal on me and tell me how using such derogatory terms is, well, degrading - let me say this - If you cannot laugh at yourself and have other laugh with you, how will we EVER learn to live in peace? If we take everything seriously, how can we ever share a laugh? Stereotypes are not an evil thing in and of themselves - it is when you apply such generalizations to a specific individual that problems happen. Why can't we just all laugh when someone talks about bad Asian women drivers? You've driven behind them... you KNOW what I mean. But my mom doesn't drive that way. Why CAN'T it be funny for black people to eat watermelon? A lot of them do. Is that so bad? Why is it so wrong to say white people can't dance?? It's OBVIOUS it's not true of EVERY white person - Mikhail Barishnikov was white, and he could surely dance. But average joe at the night club is just funny to watch sometimes, no??
If you cannot laugh at these things, then you are more a part of the problem than the solution.
Back to the origins of "Wop"... I was kidding about that WOP story. The true story is somewhat ... dull, to be quite honest - the Immigration story is much better... and funnier. A much smarter man than I, or at least wittier, once said:
"Never let the truth get in the way of a good story."
Now, Here are a couple of bad Italian jokes:
Did you hear about the new Italian tires?
(FYI = Dago is pronounced DAY - GO.)
Dago through rain. Dago through snow. Dago through sleet. But when Dago flat, they go "Wop, Wop, Wop".
Hear that new Italian Helicopter?
It goes "wopwopwopwopwopwopwopwop"
What sound does an Italian make when you throw him up against the wall?
Thanks! I'll be here all week. Try the veal...
7 Smack Me:
just call me chink.....well, what's chinese, german, and native american? chinknaman?
Call me a redneck, but if you say I can't dance, thems fighten words, if you got the banjo I'll show you some steps... Great list But you are asking for trouble with the liberal hodes on the net.
Thanks tho.
grody - let's see... that might make you
a Chinkrautaskin?
a Krautinjunese?
Confused at dinner time?
bushwack - yep. Well (pulling out a banjo), let's just see about that! Now, if I only knew how to PLAY one of these things...
This cute little Redskin says good story. If more people got offended over the bigger issues in this world and let the small things roll, we may not be in the state we are in now.
BTW,you were right the jokes were terrible. ;)
Ha! I could've explained it because I learned it last week in a Heminway novel. I knew that would come in handy eventually.
You fergot rug pilots, prairie niggers (indian), belt-buckle Americans (rednecks), beaners, Mexican'ts, gooks, paddies, hymies, slants, bogtrotters (irish), muck savage (irish), hoosier (redneck). So many epithets, so little time.
andi - surely it will
sodo - beaners! Dammit. How could I forget that one??
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