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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Some days...

A Band Cannot Live By Bread Alone.

We need cheese too. Or peanut butter.

I look at all these lyrics I write... sometimes I think they're very good... and then there are other times when I read them and I think to myself, "Damn, Wop. It's a good thing you've got a day job." But last night, at this little Open Mic thing at a West End pub known as the Pour House, I did receive some very gratifying responses. The kind of roars, laughter, and shouting that reaffirm your faith in the effort... the kind that answers the question of "Why the hell do I do this again?" The sort of response you can ONLY get when you've got a drunk, rowdy crowd on your hands... unless you're Jesus, which I am not. (nope, and I don't play one on TV neither)

I think many of you fellow bloggers out there feel a bit of this yourselves. Isn't it nice when someone puts down a comment on your blog, throws out a little nugget of affirmation by saying something like, "great post" or "You are SO right!" or "You go, girl!" ... okay, that last one doesn't work so much for me, but you get the general idea, right?

I know a lot of people lurk out there and never say a word... and that's all good and well, but it's a bit like being someone who goes to a concert and just sits on their hands, never applauding or booing or screaming or anything. And while this isn't the most interactive of environments, there is still a bit of feedback that goes on... I don't know about you, but that seems a bit dull... so have some fun with it... your comment could become the reason for a tailor-made entry... truly.

And I'm not complaining - I'm just thinking maybe you might want to post a thought. Hey, lots of us accept anonymous comments, for good or ill. And don't be insulted by the WORD VERIFICATION (cue the dramatic evil music) - when that is NOT turned on, I get a ton of comments, all from crappy autoposting programs - basically online telemarketers wasting my time and yours.

And, hey, I do my best to respond to any and all comments, so you'll get a little response back with every poke you send my way.... unless I somehow become UBER-popular, which seems unlikely in the extreme.

SO, if you like the blogs out there... take a few seconds to let the blogger know so... each word you send out is a nice thank you, in and of itself.

And really, is it so bad for people to be kind?

10 Smack Me:

At 23/3/06 16:37, Anonymous Anonymous flipped me...

Compliments are nice, unfortunately they dont come around often enough.

At 23/3/06 18:07, Blogger Bill flipped me...

I know what you're saying. As I've said on mine, it's really for me to vent but I do like people to read it and comment. I can't write as well as you do, but I think I'm funny at times and I think I usually have a good point so I do appreciate the feedback. I do think the word verification thing seems to make people shy away a little, but I'm not turning mine off either.

At 23/3/06 18:08, Blogger Bill flipped me...

And it would help if the word verification would work correctly all the time. I just had to do it 3 times to get my last comment on here and I had typed them in correctly. Last night on my blog, I had to turn it off in order to post a reply to one of my own posts. Oh well, they give us this for free I guess.

At 23/3/06 18:09, Blogger Bill flipped me...

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At 23/3/06 18:09, Blogger Bill flipped me...

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At 23/3/06 19:53, Anonymous Anonymous flipped me...

All of us would love some feedback... can't always wait on it. Sometimes you just have to live the life you are supposed to. You can wait forever for validation, but I don't recommend it.

At 25/3/06 01:47, Anonymous Anonymous flipped me...

Props wop. The blog is really cool, just not as cool as that time that Wren got the Rod.

At 29/3/06 09:59, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

shari - yeah.. oh well

bill - nonsense. We have different styles, but I've read some stuff there that made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the compliments anyway!

plum - that sucks... but, hell, 100 hits is nice, right? I think I get that in a week...

amy - too true... I don't NEED the validation, but it's nice to get anyway

anon - thanks, dude. Still, it's cooler than that time with the shit, the face, and the thing.

At 29/3/06 14:34, Blogger mrs. awesome flipped me...

so i don't really think i lurk, but here's a comment in case i ever have lurked, will lurk,...you get the picture :) actually, i think mostly i do leave comments, because, well, damn, i always have something to say.

At 3/4/06 21:40, Blogger Peepshow flipped me...

I am a new blogger...just out cruising around. But I just wanted to say "hey"... read (some) of your stuff and I liked it. Will be back for more!


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