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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

HNT 15 - Heinous New year's Travesty

The Harvey family of 4 was mercilessly slain in their South Richmond home New Years' Day.

There isn't much I can do about or for the unfortunate Harvey family and friends and sometimes, when things like this happen to you or someone you know or even a stranger, one of the worst parts of it all is the helplessness you feel. It is as if there is nothing you can do to change it. Nothing within your power to make things right. I don't know the Harvey family, but I can empathize with their loss on some small scale, though I have never had as enormous a tragedy as this occur to me or mine. So, my prayers and most sincere condolences go out to their family and friends.

this picture is my message to the perpetrators of that crime and, really, to all the other hideous crimes people commit against one another. I had originally created this photo for another reason, but I really don't know what else to say. It's all that I can do. I apologize to any readers who now feel some somber weight of the world brought down by this. I just felt like saying SOMETHING about it.

Why do some people have to suck so bad they suck the life out of others?

So uHNT. Go visit Osbasso's site for details.

12 Smack Me:

At 5/1/06 10:23, Blogger lime flipped me...

don't apologize for being outraged at the heinous.
peace to you and to the harvey family

At 5/1/06 11:27, Blogger Wenchy flipped me...

Happy HNT sweetie.

At 5/1/06 13:03, Blogger David flipped me...


Happy HNT

At 5/1/06 13:17, Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy flipped me...

Why do some people have to suck so bad they suck the life out of others?

Because they suck and need to be killed?

What a sad story...

At 5/1/06 13:56, Blogger MamaKBear flipped me...

That's so sad!

Love the pic though...

At 5/1/06 14:53, Blogger Just Brian flipped me...

Well expressed Wopanese. Happy HNT seems kinda weak to say right now.

At 5/1/06 15:10, Blogger Robin Alexa flipped me...

I think it's good you said something about it. We all need to stand up against these jerks that make us live in fear. These jerks that tear apart families, and ruin dreams. Fuck you jerks.

At 6/1/06 11:03, Blogger Scott & Julia flipped me...

Sigh, some people just suck, don't they? Great pic! Happy New Year and Happy HNT!

At 6/1/06 12:18, Blogger Chick flipped me...

Love the action pic...I couldn't click on the link...because reading the story would make me too blue...you're right.

At 6/1/06 12:41, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

lime - thanks very much.

kalani - Mahalo. you do the same.

wenchy - ditto, hon

david - eventually, there will be video

cug - yes, they do. Actually, I think, if caught, they should be given to the victim's family to do with AS THEY PLEASE. Whatever they want. I think that's only fair and JUST.

mamak - yeah. They were really nice people, from all reports, and they knew many of the business owners in Carytown... the father was
a musician with a bit of fame and he was well liked "in the industry"... it just SUCKS!

leesa - thanks much

furzl - yep. Didn't want to bring anyone down but I was just angry and needed to vent.

binsk - exactly.

addict - thanks much - hopefully, karma will roll around on them very quickly

scott/julia - Maybe one day, I'll get good at Photoshop. As for the ratbastard(s), I hope one day they get their turn on the wheel

chick - sokay. It's just another sad story of terrible things happening to good people.

Mean people suck. They really, really suck.

Thanks for all the comments, everyone. Good to feel the sentiments across the web.

word verify: xlaxhcs
xlax... mere coincidence?

At 7/1/06 00:27, Blogger The Funky Bee flipped me...

uuggh, I saw this story on CNN the other night and couldn't bear to listen to the details. I'm actually kind of sick to my stomach now that I've read the story.

I am so sorry for this fine family. Flipping off as we speak. May he who is responsible pay in this life or the next. Whichever is more severe! But pay they must...

Rest in peace Harvey family.

At 9/1/06 15:36, Blogger wopanese flipped me...

bee - they claim to have caught the perpetrators... I'm not so sure. I wonder if this isn't just to calm the victims and all their friends... it's just a bit too cut and dried and suspicious to me... I hope they ARE right, but it seems a bit too convenient, if you ask me.

Either way, you are right. He/They deserve nothing less than the worst possible treatment...


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