HNT 00 - Hello!! Now's Thursday...
Dammit. It's Thursday AGAIN??
Ahh well, no decent pic to post this week... hell, not even a crap pic for that matter.
On the plus side, we got another gig for next Friday. And I've completed a number of new good tunes, which have so far received good reviews. Yes, yes, yes. For those 5-10 readers out there who are interested, I promise I will let you know when the CD is done and ready for release. Until then, anyone out there have any hints on proper copyrighting procedure? I know I should be able to bundle up an entire chunk of selected works and send them in as a whole...
And I have a question regarding parodies of songs... I have several of those... so any lawyers out there, feel free to chime in. I'll make sure to give some cred in the liner notes of my MEGA-HIT-to-be!!
1 Smack Me:
Awesome Wop, can't wait to hear the new tunes/cd! Good luck at your gig's. Happy HNT anyway ;O)
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