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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Monday, August 01, 2005


Go here first:

The Magic Cone

This is a real product offered for sale. No, really. I didn't make it up. I know, those who know me have to doubt the veracity of that claim, but I swear - it wasn't me.

Actually, I found this link on another blog (this uber-conservative guy) and was... disturbed. Does it really mean THAT much for a woman to pee standing? And who actually came up with this idea? I just don't get it.

I can see the creative brainstorming in progress... over a case or two of beer and bong hits...
(group of 20-somethings chillin after their party dies down)
"Duuude... whaddaya think? My job sucks!"

"Yeah, we need to get into bizness! Let's invent something. What about a (ridiculous, THC-inspired invention idea)? "

"Nah way. Been done already. Ben Affleck was on an info-mercial last night sellin' em.."

(more ideas pass)

Girl comments, "Whatever, dudes. I gotta pee but your toilet is NASTY. Hey, give me that copy of M#x#m... maybe, I can roll it up like a joint or something so I won't have to sit..."

"No way! This month's cover is (insert latest flavor of the month in hotties)! Here, use the Magic Fry box... it's mostly clean"

(exit girl)

"Whoa! THAT'S IT !!"

Well, like I said above, this one is called the Magic Cone, but that sounds a bit misleading to me. Sounds like a possible ice cream dessert treat or perhaps a hearing aid device or a multipurpose tool. I mean, yeah, it's a tool that lets women perform ole #1 as if they had a tool, but...

Anyway, here are a few suggestions I have for better names that are creative, yet still inform the consumer what the device is actually for.

Women's Wet Winter Writer
The Piss Pipe
Urine Troubleshooter
The I.P. Seat Free

At least these give some indication of the actual use(s) for this... device.

isn't it scary what you can find on the web these days?

And for those looking for the story - Part 5 will be forthcoming soon... no, really. I swear.

3 Smack Me:

At 1/8/05 09:33, Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy flipped me...

Funny stuff!
Thanks for the link, too!

I'm uber-conservative?
Who knew!?!?

At 1/8/05 12:46, Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy flipped me...

Thanks for the bacon link, too!
I am seriously considering it.

At 1/8/05 13:55, Anonymous Anonymous flipped me...

This is brilliant! Damn! Why are all the good inventions already taken!?
Mark my word - Wal-mart could sell a billion of these things. Just put a NASCAR driver number on the side of the thing, you'll sell at least one million right there.


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