Fare Thee Well
It seems I have been "caught"... or rather, I have discovered the truth. It appears that some people here at work are under the misguided impression that I have been doing nothing but writing blog entries while at work and it is adversely affecting the nature of my relationship as an employee.
Fact is, I have written only a few of these entries at work, but who can believe that? I suppose it doesn't really matter that I just dished out a large sum of money to buy a new computer for the same reason I POST them from work some of the time. The reason being my own personal pc crapped out AND my roommates PC, on which I wrote many of these entries, is so old that it locks up on several web sites nowadays - this one included. I mean, I've had to email entries in text from home, unwrap them at work, copy and paste, color a few things and add the pics and place them - it maybe took a minute for the short ones, 2-3 minutes for the average entry. The worst one took maybe 10 minutes - the blogiversary one, I'm sure. But it's okay for someone to blow 25 minutes on a smoke break. Yeah, okay. Perception is everything indeed.
It's kind of funny. I never thought this would happen to me... but now I see how some people get driven to drop their blogs by other people. Now I understand. I grok. Suffice it to say that it was fun while it lasted, even though I didn't quite reach my goal of 10,000 site hits. Oh well.
Perhaps some day I will start another blog. Perhaps. Or maybe you'll just see my ramblings posted in that ancient form known as "a book". Google it, if you can't remember what such ancient technology is.