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Redneck Hoo-ha

This blog all started with a simple story. A story about a man in his never-ending quest to save all the kind women of the world. See what it got him? That's right, distracted and writing about, well, anything he can wrap his head around. All content theoretically copyrighted, so send me money.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Ever have one of "those moments of clarity"? You know, those moments when you suddenly realize some sort of universal truth... or at least a truth that's within your own little universe, as some of us like to live in or retreat to (my friend calls hers "La La Land").

Sometimes they can be good - like you just went to work and there is all this crap going on and some changes coming down the pike and then *bing* you realize that what it means for you will be a raise or promotion? Or maybe you're a writer, and you've been toying around with an idea for months, but haven't quite found the route to get to the point you want to make? Yeah, and then suddenly, as you stand there observing the Brownian motion (a true effect) of the coffee and cream in your mug, it hits you *BAM* and then you scramble for that pen and paper or keyboard and you can't write nearly fast enough cause the whole answer is right in your head?

But they aren't always good - sometimes things just hit you and you realize just how badly you might have screwed something up - like maybe you were on a date and things were rolling along nicely and then you said one stupid thing... and you thought she had a funny look on her face but things went on and you dropped her off... got home... hit the pillow... then, just as sleep is about to take you away, *WHAM* you realize that you've just insulted her entire family and/or culture and that you have basically, totally, screwed the pooch?

For me, as a programmer and a musician/songwriter/rock-star-wannabe, it happens sometimes at the oddest moments.... sometimes it's inspiration, sometimes desperation, and some of it can be perspiration... and sometimes it just happens cause you took some time, or maybe too much time, not doing much of anything. For me, today, I got whacked by an email at work.
Wonder where this is going to take me?
Or is it just me? Am I the only nut in a basket full of shells?

3 Smack Me:

At 14/1/07 22:24, Blogger Robin Alexa flipped me...

Oh I've been there. I hate the bad bing bam whams.

At 19/1/07 12:54, Blogger The Funky Bee flipped me...

where where? What happened?

Those moments are usually bad for me. And they're usually while I'm lying in bed and then I can't sleep! Booo

At 1/2/07 15:34, Blogger Pollyanna flipped me...

I agree with Funky up there, pointing to the comment above me, these moments of clarity usually hit me just as I about to drift to sleep and then I am half the night ruminating on my stupidity. I HATE that. I very seldom get GOOD moments of clarity. Maybe it's because I have a big mouth and am talking when I should be listening? yeah, I think so too...damn....


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